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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
Microsoft opens Chakra, Edge’s Javascript engine

Owen Williams reporting for TheNextWeb:

Chakra is the engine used to execute JavaScript that was developed from scratch in 2008 and has the most compatibility with the ECMAScript 6 standard over other engines, including Google’s V8.

Peter Bright concluding for ArsTechnica:

The broader plan is to ensure the engine is useful for more than browser scenarios. The V8 engine developed by Google for Chrome has a whole parallel existence on the server, courtesy of the Node.js server-side JavaScript platform. ChakraCore could easily move into a similar space. Internally, Microsoft uses Chakra to run services such as Cortana and Externally, Microsoft has already developed a version of Node.js that uses Chakra instead of V8, something that can now be fully open source too.

I would add this excerpt from the Microsoft Edge Blog (May 18, 2015). The post is well worth a read:

Starting in Windows 8.1/IE11, Chakra added support for a new set of public hosting APIs called the JavaScript Runtime (JSRT) APIs, which shipped as part of the Windows SDK. While these APIs allowed hosting of Chakra outside the browser, the set of functionality exposed by these APIs during Windows8.1/IE11 was mainly focused on specific server side scenarios across Microsoft products and services like and Azure DocumentDB.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

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