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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
Mac-only application Sketch is leaving the Mac App Store

Bohemian Coding, developer of the award winning application Sketch:

There are a number of reasons for Sketch leaving the Mac App Store—many of which in isolation wouldn’t cause us huge concern. However as with all gripes, when compounded they make it hard to justify staying: App Review continues to take at least a week, there are technical limitations imposed by the Mac App Store guidelines (sandboxing and so on) that limit some of the features we want to bring to Sketch, and upgrade pricing remains unavailable.

The whole Apple blogosphere is relaying the event, insisting on the fact that it is another top indie developer that is leaving the Mac App Store (Federico Viticci, Michael Tsai, Dan Moren, Milen Dzhumerov, etc.) I like how John Gruber sums up the problems with the Mac App Store:

The Mac App Store should be designed to make developers like Bohemian Coding (and Bare Bones, and Panic, etc.) happy. It should make developing for the Mac better, not worse than selling outside the App Store. These are among the best apps on the platform, from developers who have been loyal to Apple and the Mac for decades.

The Mac App Store is rotting, at least for productivity software. There’s no other way to put it. If this hasn’t set off alarm bells within Apple, something is very wrong.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

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