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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
Slack’s virtual assistant for professionals

Ami Mizroch reporting for the WSJ.D:

The company, which last week turned two, just hired its first data scientist, and it’s looking to invest in artificial intelligence. Butterfield acknowledges the challenge, saying his company will need partners with major AI capability.

“Apple spent billions of dollars on Siri and worked on it for a very long time with hundreds of engineers and a huge dataset of voices – and it’s f–ing idiotic. Siri is nearly useless,” he says. Apple declined comment.

Siri said “After all I’ve done for you?”

Butterfield aims for Slackbot to be the virtual assistant to everyone on a team simultaneously, while also having access to their organization’s institutional knowledge: who is working on which projects, where they’re stuck, who is on vacation and when they’re getting back. He reckons that Slackbot could boost a company’s productivity by 20-30%.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

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