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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
SIGGRAPH 2015: Watch the latest innovation in human skin stretch simulation

The USC Institute for Creative Technologies in collaboration with the Imperial College London published a paper presenting the technique for synthesizing the effects of skin microstructure deformation.

While it would be desirable to simulate these changes in appearance during facial animation, curent techniques do not record or simulate dynamic surface microstructure for facial animation. One reason scale: taking the facial surface to be 25cm × 25cm, recording facial shape at 10 micron resolution would require real-time Gigapixel imaging beyond the capabilities of today’s camera arrays. And simulating a billion triangles of skin surface, let alone several billion tetrahedra of volume underneath, would be computationally very expensive using finite element techniques.

In this work, we approximate the first-order effects of dynamic skin microstructure by performing fast image processing on a highresolution skin microstructure displacement map obtained as in. Then, as the skin surface deforms, we blur the displacement map along the direction of stretching, and sharpen the displacement map along the direction of compression. On a modern GPU, this can be performed at interactive rates, even for facial skin microstructure at ten micron resolution.

Via The Verge.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

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