Tim Urban had the opportunity to interview Elon Musk, Franz von Holzhausen and their engineers. He writes in a previous post about all the preparative work needed for the interviews:
The problem with Elon Fucking Musk, though, is that he happens to be involved in all of the following industries:
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Solar Energy
- Energy Storage
- Satellite
- High-Speed Ground Transportation
- And, um, Multi-Planetary Expansion
The article is divided in three sections (the stories of energy including the effects of the greenhouse gaz on the planet, cars and Tesla), each worth the read by itself :
But with a goal as ambitious as “accelerating the advent of sustainable transport” and a victory condition as far-reaching as “half of all new cars being electric,” building one great car company isn’t enough. To bring Musk’s original idea to the next level, Tesla would need to scale itself. To do that, Tesla is building a line of cars so stellar that it’s going to change the public’s expectations of a what a car should be, and the whole industry will have to adjust to that new expectation.
And by solving so many EV1 problems for its own cars, it’s forging the path to an EV-dominated world for all the other companies too (a company trying to rise to the top of their industry would hold their innovation secrets close — but because Tesla’s goal is to transform the industry, in 2014, Tesla made all of their patents available to whomever wanted them).
Friday, June 5, 2015
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