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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
Apple drops discoveryd (for now)

Benjamin Mayo, writing for 9to5Mac:

The discoveryd process has been subject to much criticism in recent months as it causes users to regularly drop WiFi access and causes network shares to list many times over, due to bugs. Many developers, such as Craig Hockenberry, have complained about the buggy software and workarounds have been found to include substituting the older system (called mDNSResponder) back into Yosemite.

This is maybe a follow up of some previous criticism, made by Craig Hockenberry on his blog:

Regardless of the many issues people were reporting with discoveryd, Apple went ahead and released it anyway. As a result, this piece of software is responsible for a large portion of the thousand cuts.

And the now famous “Apple has lost the functional high ground” post by Marco Arment:

I suspect the rapid decline of Apple’s software is a sign that marketing is too high a priority at Apple today: having major new releases every year is clearly impossible for the engineering teams to keep up with while maintaining quality.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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