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On all things software, by Éric PETIT
Schlender’s “Becoming Steve Jobs”

Extract from the unauthorized biography “Becoming Steve Jobs” by Rick Tetezeli and Brent Schlender forthcoming today:

“This picture of him isn’t understood,” says Cook. “I thought the [Walter] Isaacson book did him a tremendous disservice. It was just a rehash of a bunch of stuff that had already been written, and focused on small parts of his personality. You get the feeling that [Steve’s] a greedy, selfish egomaniac. It didn’t capture the person. The person I read about there is somebody I would never have wanted to work with over all this time. Life is too short.”

UPDATE: Equally interesting by Brian X. Chen and Alexandra Alter, “Apple Opens Up to Praise New Book on Steve Jobs, and Criticize an Old One”

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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